Participant Profiles

Participant Profiles


Age:  17 years old
Village:  N’ditam
Dream:  To become an electrician
Needs:  Leg braces and crutches to be able to stand and walk on his own
Participant Profiles


Age:  18 years old
Village:  N’ditam
Dream:  To be independent, mobile, and self-sufficient
Needs:  An all-terrain, custom wheelchair
Participant Profiles


Age:  16 years old
Village:  N’tuang
Dream:  To complete his education and support himself
Needs:  An all-terrain, custom wheelchair
Participant Profiles


Age: 40 years old     
Village: N’ditam
Dream:  To have a wheelchair and increased mobility 
Needs:  An all-terrain, custom wheelchair

Community Profile

Participant Profiles

Population:  12,000
Tribe:  Indigenous Tikar and Bedzan Pygmy
Authorities:  Village chiefs
Political System:  Ethno-Centrism (based on tribal affiliation and chiefs’ authority)
Region:  Equatorial rainforest of Central Africa
Area:  5,000 square miles
Number of villages:  30
Industry:  Sustainable agriculture and animal husbandry
Major Crops:  Coffee, cacao, corn, bananas, yams, red pepper
Local Cooperatives:  0
Languages spoke:  Tikar, French, Pidgin English
Religions:  Animism, Christianity, Islam
Culture:  Music, dance, spiritual and ritual performances and celebrations, masks, costumes, traditional architecture
Transportation:  On foot, bicycle, motorcycle, bush taxi
Communication:  No cell phone service, no telephone service, no internet connection

Hope International for Tikar People (HITIP)

Hope International for Tikar People was founded in 2002 in direct response to the needs of community members with immediate and critical health care needs.
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